
Saturday, February 25, 2012


Thursday was an okay day. I spent the most of my morning and early afternoon in the studio trying to get a negative developed. Long story short, I had a detrimental brain fart and took the lid off my film canister while I was mixing some chemicals, completely blowing out the negative and ruining about 4 hours worth of work. Let's just say I wasn't the happiest of campers. My finance workshop was equally frustrating; we're starting to put together cash flow statements for businesses. This would normally all be fine and dandy because I've already taken an accounting class so I have some background in it, except we're reporting everything by UK standards so I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. The lecturer isn't the best either, so it looks like I'll be teaching myself a lot about financial reporting this semester. Oh joy!

Yesterday's classes were somewhat better; I really like my management workshop tutor. He's a really sweet old man, and he really wants me to do well in the class and enjoy my stay here. We only meet once a week but it's surprisingly the one class I look forward to. After workshop I spent another 3 hours in the studio getting frustrated with myself (who knew that taking a picture of a rotten apple could be so time-consuming and difficult?), but I managed to shoot some film. I haven't developed it yet because the studio closed early, so we'll see how it turned out on Monday. Taking this film class is really making me start to hate photography -- well, kind of. I think the most aggravating thing is that for our first assignment, we have to replicate two photos by two photographers. Being the perfectionist I am, I'm never pleased with any of the negatives that come out so I keep reshooting and reshooting the exact same setup for days on end. I'll just be glad when this assignment is done and we can move on to other, more creativity-centered projects. Needless to say I was frazzled, and going to CU on Friday night was much-needed. There weren't a lot of people there because most of them were away at a leader's conference, but Ash and I led worship and everything went smoothly. The speaker was really good, and afterwards all of us grabbed dinner at a nearby pub. Then I came home to a lovely Skype date with Steven (our official 5 months, woot woot!). It was a nice way to start the weekend.

My day thus far has been extremely uneventful; I watched about 5 episodes of New Girl on Hulu since I was all caught up on Glee, spent too much time on Pinterest, and jammed out for a while on Becky's guitar. Tomorrow I'll go to Citylife church in the morning, do some laundry, and maybe do a little homework. Some of my friends have started planning a weekend trip to Edinburgh in a few weeks, so I'm getting pumped about that! We'll spend a day in Edinburgh, then another day on a bus tour of some cool places around Scotland -- maybe even spotting Nessie along the way. It's gonna be super fun and I cannot wait for all the photo ops that will come out of it!


  1. I'm sorry that your film class is so frustrating, but I know that you'll do great! =) Just stick with it and you'll have some really cool experience that you didn't have when you left the good ole US of A. Just take breaks and deep breaths and only focus on small steps at a time. You'll get it, I know you will! =)

  2. Sorry it's not going well at the moment. It WILL get better. As my mom used to say, "This too, shall pass". It'll all be fine - you'll see. Luv!!
